Thursday, December 19, 2013


The overall subject of this movie was the life of the forest. The plot was how a young woman lost her mom (to cancer i suppose) and she has to move in with her father. Her father was "delusional" as they would say,even though the whole time he was right. There are tiny people who are the people of the forest and his daughter (MK) was transformed into one of the tinny people and had to help save the forest from destruction. The biggest issue it raised was the pollution and how we (humans) are killing our planet. The main purpose of the film was to help people recognize that one person can help change the fate of the world. The film quality was very well done. The animation was perfectly done, I was very pleased with how it came out.Obviously a young person would be interested in it, seeing as it is a child movie.
I guess you could say....This movie was of epic proportions.....