Friday, November 15, 2013

Once there lived a family of four. They were fairly wealthy which angered the rest of their town because they weren't as well off. One day they decided to have a picnic in their backyard by the lake. While they were eating they heard a small creek but disregarded it, thinking it was just the wind. All of a sudden they were interrupted by 4 cloaked figures. They were farmers from their town. At first the father thought they were being friendly and invited them to join them for some lunch. The cloaked men took out some gardening tools and murdered the entire family. Starting with the father with a shovel. Then the mother with a rake. Next the 6 year old son with a plow. And last the 9 year old girl with a hoe. They had no chance. So from now on they have haunted their mansion and kill anyone who comes inside or around their property. Sometimes at a certain time when the lighting is just right you can see the eyes of the little girl, trying to get out.

My inspiration for the story comes from when I was younger and a man that lived a few houses down from mine would always be very mysterious. I would hear stories about him and things that he has done to people. One night I had a dream about him trying to kill our family so that was the starting of my inspiration.

Friday, November 1, 2013

This is my custom vehicle.^. For the body of the car I used The 1959 Ford Angelia(also seen on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) for the wheels I used a Volkswagen car. For the sides of the car I used a Camaro.I also used the submarine from James Bond(The Spy Who Loved Me). I also added his license plate to seal the deal. Obviously I'm a movie geek.

Term: Contrast Settings- Contrast setting helped me because it made the saturation and Hue brighter or duller to help me blend in the car parts top one another so the car looked somewhat not so much like an inexperienced photo shopper did it.