Thursday, December 19, 2013


The overall subject of this movie was the life of the forest. The plot was how a young woman lost her mom (to cancer i suppose) and she has to move in with her father. Her father was "delusional" as they would say,even though the whole time he was right. There are tiny people who are the people of the forest and his daughter (MK) was transformed into one of the tinny people and had to help save the forest from destruction. The biggest issue it raised was the pollution and how we (humans) are killing our planet. The main purpose of the film was to help people recognize that one person can help change the fate of the world. The film quality was very well done. The animation was perfectly done, I was very pleased with how it came out.Obviously a young person would be interested in it, seeing as it is a child movie.
I guess you could say....This movie was of epic proportions.....

Friday, November 15, 2013

Once there lived a family of four. They were fairly wealthy which angered the rest of their town because they weren't as well off. One day they decided to have a picnic in their backyard by the lake. While they were eating they heard a small creek but disregarded it, thinking it was just the wind. All of a sudden they were interrupted by 4 cloaked figures. They were farmers from their town. At first the father thought they were being friendly and invited them to join them for some lunch. The cloaked men took out some gardening tools and murdered the entire family. Starting with the father with a shovel. Then the mother with a rake. Next the 6 year old son with a plow. And last the 9 year old girl with a hoe. They had no chance. So from now on they have haunted their mansion and kill anyone who comes inside or around their property. Sometimes at a certain time when the lighting is just right you can see the eyes of the little girl, trying to get out.

My inspiration for the story comes from when I was younger and a man that lived a few houses down from mine would always be very mysterious. I would hear stories about him and things that he has done to people. One night I had a dream about him trying to kill our family so that was the starting of my inspiration.

Friday, November 1, 2013

This is my custom vehicle.^. For the body of the car I used The 1959 Ford Angelia(also seen on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) for the wheels I used a Volkswagen car. For the sides of the car I used a Camaro.I also used the submarine from James Bond(The Spy Who Loved Me). I also added his license plate to seal the deal. Obviously I'm a movie geek.

Term: Contrast Settings- Contrast setting helped me because it made the saturation and Hue brighter or duller to help me blend in the car parts top one another so the car looked somewhat not so much like an inexperienced photo shopper did it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Magazine cover.

My inspiration for this magazine cover was the fashion magazine Vogue. Instead of using their name I incorporated my name with it. I think that models now a days are very unhealthy and too thin and young girls look up to that and I don't believe that they should be thinking that is "Beauty". I used this concept for the cover. Like "Bones are the new black" as in being really thin is cool, but it's not. I mean all body types are beautiful don't get me wrong but when there is a certain size you have to fit in to do you job, that's just not right.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our group is called "Lucky 13".We got this name because there are thirteen of us on the team. Here is the logo I created. It's funny, our name, because the number 13 is the most unlucky number there is so it just makes it even better.
My Revised logo is still based off of the original logo. It incorporates our team name.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

       So Carl and his friend Paul are at it again. But this time they are in a Mexican restaurant when Carl says something Paul wasn't ready for and jumped to conclusion. He just wanted the dip. I learned how to use shading in my pictures to add detail. I am much more experienced in using the magic want tool and the other many tools we have.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Eddie is in his rusty old barn on the hills enjoying the view. I think I did pretty well seeing as though I had to start over when I forgot to save it.
I added myself on Sif's body for the creative director points. I added Frigga and the other girl for the senior designer points.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Collage Project

I   chose the color Purple/dark purple because it is associated with Wisdom, dignity, independence, Creativity, Mystery and magic. I find all these things to be true about me. The lighter color of purple is for the sensitive and feminine side of me while the darker purple is for the deeper and emotional side to me. I love all these things on my collage. I have a cat on here because I am a crazy cat lady and I love kittens and want a ton when I get older. The lotus flower, if you can't tell, is a tattoo. when I get old enough I will have a few of my own. The money is in Rupees because I am courter Indian and that is their currency. Pierce The Veil and Bring me the Horizon are my favorite bands. At the bottom Is Hogwarts because I love Harry Potter. The cartoon on top of the llama is my favorite youtuber Danisnotonfire. Also my favorite food is Samosas which is an Indian dish.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Animals, Initials,Masking & textures

My animal for this assignment is a frog. My first initial is an "R" ,It is the first frog leg. The second "R" Is the second leg on the frog. The "M" is the frogs body. I thought the loop in the "R"s  looked like the frogs limbs when he is ready to leap. I used a frog like scale texture for the body and an orange color for the feet. If you use your imagination you can see it.