Friday, April 25, 2014

The Heart Slayer

I decided to create a super villain named "The Heart Slayer". She had a discouraging past which led to the moment she discovered her power of Blood Bending. She was 17 when her mother died from a drug overdose and her father was so depressed, he locked himself in his office and committed suicide. A week after the funeral on a full, blood moon, she went to her parents grave with a single rose. She began to cry but soon realized her tears were not water, but blood.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Google 4 Doodle

My invention was for anyone to automatically translate any language into any language of their choosing with a single click of a button. We'd add a simple device to the computer or television, ect. As soon as we click the button, within a matter of seconds it would be translated. My inspiration for this was an anime I was watching but had to read the subtitles. With this invention I could pay attention to the show and not have to multi task.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

For the square fruit project, I decided to go out of the box and make it a dragon fruit.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


This is my project for the banquet. I incorporated the Video games Skyrim and Assassins Creed. I added small details such as a scar on Connor 's face and blood coming from his shirt. I also added a shadow for the griffin.

Friday, January 31, 2014

This is a guard dog in his dog house. I used the pen tool to create the shapes for everything, down to the smallest detail like the nostril and the tongue indentation. Don't get too close, he might attack.